Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Teaching Adult Classes at the Library: The People, The Myths and the Legends

I have been teaching adult computer classes here at the library now for 2 months.  This has been an interesting adventure for me.  Having taught children before, I have some classroom management and teaching skills in my varied bag of tricks.  But nothing can prepare you for the people that want to take free classes.  These people can be classified as the "need to get out of the house" people, the "have no idea what I am doing" people, the people that actually want to learn and have some idea of what people in a classroom setting should act like and then last night I got the first guy that decided he wanted to try and pick up the teacher.  Yes, Boys and Girls, he wanted to hit on me after he has already told me that he lives at home with his mother, has no job, and has no computer skills what so ever.  Let me just tell you that I should have gotten Teacher of the Year for the preformance that I had to put on last night.  Winning smile ... CHECK, Ready to Help Answer any and all questions ... CHECK and lastly Helping him look up EVERY county in the area so he could apply for government jobs because ... "It is really hard to get fired from those."  Yes that was a direct quote.  Even after all of that...I still love my job!

1 comment:

  1. I just shared your post with 'the' family. We are all very proud of you and laughing hysterically.
