Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Method 7 -- Delicious

Yummy...I can't believe it is that easy. Bookmarking your favorite sites and being able to share them with everyone is a wonderful way to get a group project done without having to always be in the same place.

Delicious, the website, is a wonderfully easy tool that everyone should at least try to use at some point. The process by which you can add, tag and store websites is useful in so many ways. As librarians, we could help each other keep up with information by sharing pages with each other. But wouldn't it be even better if we could help our patrons with this information also. I mean with this website, we could bookmark tons of helpful websites that we know patrons would ask for. Then with the help of tags, we could sort these bookmarked sites by common names rather than standard subject headings. If a patron needed websites that covered French history of fashion rather than having to search through hundreds of sites that would not have what they are looking for, we could get on Delicious and find the one site that did. What a joyful expereince at the library for both them and you! And isn't that why we are here....to help people find the craziest things that we never thought anyone would want to look for? I really believe that this and other websites that allow for social sharing are great when used correctly and not abused by others.

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